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Brit Hendriksen Windahl was born in Denmark, 1975.
se hemsida
Brit Hendriksen attended Svendborg Artschool 1995-96 concentrating on the techniques of old-fashion printmaking. She soon became a menber of Fyns grafiske Værksted and continued exploring the benefits of the old techniques, focusing on the texture in the black and white expression.
After working on her own for a couple of years she received a two year art
scholarship from the danish government’s Art Foundation “Statens Kunstfond”
1998 - 99.
In 2000 Brit Hendriksen went to the University to study art from a philosophical point of view and in 2006 she got a Masters degree in Philosophy (Thesis on art and aesthetics).
After finishing her Masters Brit Hendriksen decided that it was finally time to devote all of her time to painting and on a basic research level to explore and (de-)fragment the landscape and the colours one by one.
2014-03-08 Galleri Lorentzon, Stockholm
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Ändrat: 2025-01-27 15:38:23
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Blume Production AB
Ansvarig utgivare/publisher: Anders Blume
070 734 59 09
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